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Baker University Library

How do I log into the library databases off campus?

When trying to access electronic library resources off campus, you will be prompted to login using the following screen:

screen capture of the login screen

If you are a Continuing Education student, please enter your Moodle username and password. All other students should enter their Baker email login credentials (username: & password: email password).

Please note that information technology settings within school districts and other places of employment might interfere with access to Baker's electronic resources.  If you have problems accessing our resources at work, we recommend you try from home to determine if the issue is with your employer's settings or with the login process.  If you need further assistance, please email us for further assistance.

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How long can I borrow materials from Collins Library?

Any currently enrolled Baker student can borrow materials from the library.  Most materials can be borrowed for an initial period of four weeks and can be renewed up to three times.  However, Audio-Visual Resources (DVDs, video tapes, and audiocassettes) can be borrowed for one week and can be renewed up to three times.  

Materials on reserve for a course can be borrowed for three hours, but must be used on the second or third floor of the library.

The following materials can only be used in the library:

  • Periodicals
  • Reference Books
  • Music CDs
  • Phonodiscs
  • Theses
  • Rare Books

Due dates for materials acquired through interlibrary loan are at the discretion of the lending library.

Are my library records confidential?

The Baker University Library upholds the principle of the library users’ right to privacy and confidentiality of personally identifiable information in accordance with federal and state laws and institutional policies.

We keep only the personally identifiable information that is absolutely necessary for the operation of the library – for lending or providing access to library materials, providing library services such as reference, interlibrary loan and workshops. We regularly purge, delete, or shred information that is no longer necessary.

Student, faculty and staff borrower records are supplied by the University administrative systems and updated on a regular basis to ensure accuracy. You may review your records upon presentation of proper identification. Non-Baker library users may also review their records upon presentation of proper identification.

Only the Chief Information Officer is authorized to receive or comply with requests from law enforcement officers and to confer with University legal counsel before determining the proper response. No records will be released without a subpoena, warrant, court order or other investigatory document, issued by a court of competent jurisdiction that shows good cause and is in proper form.

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How do I checkout library equipment and what equipment is available?

The Fuji S3000 digital camera may be reserved in advance by students and checked out at the circulation desk.  At the time of reservation, you will need to indicate when you plan to return the equipment.  We ask that you be conscientious of other members of the Baker Community by only checking out equipment for a limited time.  Should there be conflicting needs, classroom use is the priority.

The library has additional equipment for faculty and staff to check out.  If this equipment would be useful for student work, we ask that the student find a faculty or staff member to checkout the equipment on their behalf.  This equipment includes:

Cameras: two digital cameras, a digital video camera, and a desktop video conference camera 

Copiers: a DVD writer, a tape recorder, and an audio tape copier

Projectors: a data projector, a 16mm film projector, a filmstrip projector, and a projector screen 

A laptop

A VCR/DVD player

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