Gale Business: Insights This link opens in a new windowThis database includes company information, industry profiles, and trade publications as well as content from Business Rankings Annual, an online compilation of "Top Ten" lists from news and trade sources.
Search by company name or industry and choose "Rankings" from the options on the left side of the results, or search "ethical" or "best companies" and choose "Rankings" on the left side of the results.
This innovative resource includes company profiles (with corporate parent/sibling relationships), industry rankings, products and brands, investment reports, industry statistics, financial ratios, case studies, and corporate chronologies and history. Coverage is from 1980-present.
Business and Human Rights Resource CenterAn independent, international nonprofit organization - in partnership with Amnesty International and academic institutions. Features information on thousands of companies, more than 160 countries, and 150 issues. It links to thousands of publications, reports, and guides, including reports of corporate misconduct and examples of "best practice."
The Corporate Racial Equity TrackerThis site provides an in-depth accounting of the state of disclosure by the 100 largest U.S. employers, through 23 data points across six specific dimensions of racial equity: anti-discrimination policies; pay equity; racial/ethnic diversity data; education and training programs; response to mass incarceration; and community investments.
This is an excellent and easy to use tool to discover which companies, by specific industry if so desired, have certain policies related to addressing racial equity. You can either browse the full list, filter by industry, or enter the company name. You can even link to segments from the company’s own reports and announcements that discuss their specific policies as well. A preliminary page of clear and compelling visualizations summarize the overall findings of the research as well.
Corporate RegisterGlobal online directory of corporate responsibility (CR) reports past and present. Tens of thousands of reports and reporter profiles. You will need to register.
Corporate Social Responsibility: Company Profiles & RankingsA carefully curated research guide that lists and links to organizations that have compiled lists and rankings of companies that have either have done very well-or performed poorly--in areas related to the environment, sustainability, diversity, and other areas of corporate responsibility. The sites listed in the guide include companies’ own sustainability reports; rankings by 3 rd parties; EPA violations, and so forth.
This listing was compiled by the United States Library of Congress, and is part of its larger public research guide on corporate social responsibility (
Corporate WatchProfiles large companies, industry sectors and lobby groups. Company profiles include details of a company's personnel, office locations, industry areas, lobbying activities, corporate crimes and links to further information.
CR Magazine's 100 Best Corporate CitizensCR Magazine publishes an annual list of large companies ranked by metrics including human rights, environment, and transparency.
CSR Wire ReportsA trusted media platform since 1999, 3BL CSRwire delivers breaking news from businesses and nonprofits, including press releases, videos, podcasts, blogs and more.
Ethisphere Institute: World's Most Ethical (WME) CompaniesThe Ethisphere Institute's annual list is based on five categories including: ethics and compliance program; reputation, leadership and innovation; governance; corporate citizenship and responsibility; and culture of ethics.
GoodJobsFirst.orgSUBSIDY TRACKER is the first national search engine for economic development subsidies and other forms of government financial assistance to business. Also links to a number of sites such as the Violation Tracker.
National Green PagesFind Green Products & Services by searching the National Green Pages to find the green, healthy, and ethically produced products and services you need for home and work. The businesses featured here have earned Green America's Green Business Certification, so you can be assured they are dedicated to building an economy that works for people and the planet.
S&P 500 Environmental & Socially Responsible IndexThe S&P 500® Environmental & Socially Responsible Index is designed to measure the performance of securities from the S&P 500 that meet environmental and social sustainability criteria.
Statements Made By Top Tech Companies on Racial Justice, BLM, and George FloydA dataset of 200+ statements made by tech companies on racial justice, Black Lives Matter, and George Floyd. The data set provides the company name, timing of the statement and “other relevant content such as the URL of their most recent diversity report and the percentage of employees and/or leaders who identify as Black”).
Sustainability Disclosure DatabaseA free database from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) of self-reported sustainability, corporate responsibility, and integrated reports. Includes sustainability reports since 1999 for over 3,500 organizations.
Violation TrackerViolation Tracker is the first national search engine on corporate misconduct. It covers banking, consumer protection, false claims, environmental, wage & hour, unfair labor practice, health, safety, employment discrimination, price-fixing, bribery and other cases initiated by 43 federal regulatory agencies and the Justice Department since 2000; in all, 300,000 cases with total penalties of more than $394 billion. Other types of violations will be added later. Violation Tracker is produced by the Corporate Research Project of Good Jobs First.
Corporations with Green Initiatives
Carbon Disclosure ProjectThe Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent not-for-profit organization which holds the largest database of corporate climate change information in the world. Since its formation in 2000, CDP has become the gold standard for carbon disclosure methodology and process, providing primary climate change data to the global market place.
CSO Magazine: ListsThis site offers a nice quick and informative snapshot of leading companies in a variety of environmental and sustainability areas. Recent lists include: Top 10 EV manufacturers; To 10 utility CEOs; Top 10 green companies; and Top 10 LNG companies by market capitalization. Some lists are not about companies: e.g. Top 10 sustainable buildings; Top 10 most ethically sourced palm oils; and Top 10 greenest countries
CSR ReportsCSRwire is the leading global source of corporate social responsibility and sustainability news. Companies can use this site to post reports about their "green" efforts with the expectation that this site will spread the news.
U.S. Green Buildings CouncilLEED is a third-party certification program and the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. You can search under Resources and get images of project profiles as well as LEED Project Case Studies. Try searching for U.S., then Kansas, to see all the approved projects in our state.
ESG sites (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
ESG reports are becoming increasingly important to investors, researchers and other stakeholders.
CSR Hub: Consensus ESG Ratings: Advanced Search: CSR Hub aggregates, analyzes and harmonizes ESG and related corporate social responsibility and sustainability ratings by aggregating and applying over 700 sources of ESG data and includes that data on 18,000 companies from 135 industries in 133 countries. CSR Hub claims that its ratings cover more than 99% of publicly traded companies worldwide. Typical data provided on a firm includes a numerical rating, number of rating services utilized to arrive at its score, how its rating compares with other companies in the same industry, historical ratings on the firm from the last two years and any “special issues” in areas of ESG and corporate social responsibility that affect that company. (e.g. supply chain, use of GMOs, etc.)
Managing ESG Data and RiskAn in-depth article covering a wide range of areas related to ESG. This includes the growing influence of ESG data, the key players that record and rank companies’ ESG; a detailed comparison chart comparing size and coverage of those firms; ratings methodologies of the providers; the role of ESG for investors; how ESG data is utilized; why ESG ratings vary for the same company; the role of AI in updating and ranking corporations’ ESG; the role of regulators’; and advice for companies on how to work with and adapt to the world of ESG ratings.
MSCI ESG Ratings Corporate Search ToolThis free public ESG corporate search tool permits anyone to search for MSCI’s ratings for over 2,800 companies, and is searchable by company name or ticker. Information provided from a search includes an overall rating (CCC, B, BB, BBB, A, AA or AAA); how the company compares to its peers in the same industry; historical ratings for the company over the past five years, and specifically which ESG areas the company is considered a laggard, average or a leader.