Welcome to the Guide for EN262: Children's Literature! Here you can find course information, resources, and helpful databases.
The third floor:
026 Libraries for specific subjects
028 Reading & use of other information media
370-379 All things Education (372 specifically is Elementary education)
808.068 Children's Literature
_07 will include books about teaching whatever subject they fall under
The second floor:
On the back wall by the study rooms, we are building our children's literature and School of Education collection. Anything that is in the pink area!
This course emphasizes the reading, evaluation, and presentation of literature appropriate for elementary children. The class will explore various literary genres through the readings of authentic children's books, poetry collections, picture books, and novels. Specific topics of study include: the history of children's literature, diversity of characters, settings, plots, themes, cultures, and prominent authors and illustrators. A variety of literary presentations and teaching methods will be explore.
Course Assignments:
Look below for links related to some of the books for this class!