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Finding Industry Ratios in a Database

1. From the top bar, select: Industry Research
2. Slide down and select: US Industry Reports (NAICS)

3. Scroll down until you find your specific industry codes.
For example, 72 - Accommodation and Food Services
(If you don't know the NAICS number of your industry, use the SEARCH IBISWorld search box in the top right of the screen)

4. From the left navigation column, select: Key Statistics
5. Slide down and select: Key ratios

1. From the opening page, scroll down the left side to find the section labeled, Explore Industries


2. Either type the product or industry name or use the appropriate NAICS code.
For instance, if your industry is airlines, either type airlines or use the NAICS code for Transportation


3. Select the industry and continue to find the specific industry you need.

4. The new screen will feature industry reports from a   variety of publishers.

5. Plunkett Reports, specifically, provides industry ratios.

1. From the Advanced Search screen, slide to the top left and select the 3-bar menu.

2, Select: Browse

3. Under "Industry and Market Research" select: First Research


4. Select one of the "View documents" by the industry of your interest.

  • Find a report that looks interesting by title and date.
  • Click on the "Full Text - PDF" (right underneath the title) 
  • After you open the PDF file, you can get to a section called "Financial Ratios" for this industry that appears in the middle of this PDF document.

Finding Industry Ratios on the Web