American ProspectMonthly magazine covering politics, culture, and policy from a liberal perspective. Includes well maintained archives. Co-founder is Robert Reich, a Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley.
Full text is available from 1992-present from Lexis/Nexis.
Full text is also available from 1996-present from ABI/Inform Global.
AtlanticCreated as a literary and cultural commentary magazine, it has grown to achieve a national reputation as a high-quality review organ with a moderate worldview. It has published leading writers' commentary on abolition, education, and other major issues in contemporary political affairs.
DissentDissent is a left-wing intellectual magazine edited by Michael Kazin and founded in 1954. The magazine is published by the University of Pennsylvania Press on behalf of the Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas.
Full text available from 2001-present.
HumanistFocuses on social and moral issues from the humanist viewpoint. Articles are thought-provoking and sometimes controversial. Liberal.
Monthly ReviewEstablished in 1949, this is an independent socialist magazine published monthly in New York City.
Full text available from 1994-present in Academic Search Premier.
Mother JonesMother Jones is a reader-supported nonprofit news organization. They do independent and investigative reporting on everything from politics and climate change to education and food.
Full text available from 1990-present in Academic Search Premier.
The NationWeekly journal of opinion, featuring analysis on politics and culture. Founded in 1865.
Full text available from 1975-present in Academic Search Premier.
New RepublicA liberal American magazine of commentary on politics and the arts published since 1914, with influence on American political and cultural thinking. Founded in 1914 by major leaders of the Progressive Movement it attempted to find a balance between a progressivism focused on humanitarianism and moral passion, and on the other hand sought a basis in scientific analysis of social issues.
New Statesman (British)A weekly magazine focused primarily on news and politics of greatest interest in the United Kingdom, where the content is
roughly divided 60% news and 40% politics.
The ProgressiveAn American monthly magazine of politics, culture and progressivism with a pronounced liberal perspective. Founded in 1909.
Full text available from 1990-present in Academic Search Premier.
The American ConservativePrint magazine launched by Patrick Buchanan featuring Old Right themes and critical of neoconservatism.
The American SpectatorFounded in 1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry.
The American Spectator Foundation educates the public on new ideas, concepts and policies that favor the principles of economic freedom, individual liberty, limited government, and traditional American values. To this end, the Foundation also trains and cultivates young writers for careers in journalism and serves as an outlet for a host of both young and established conservative writers and thinkers.
A conservative U.S. monthly magazine covering news and politics, edited by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. and published by the non-profit American Spectator Foundation.
Chronicles: A Magazine of American CultureMonthly, ultra-conservative opinion magazine makes defending Western Christian civilization, local sovereignty and political, cultural, and economic autonomy its central themes.
National ReviewA semi-monthly magazine founded by author William F. Buckley Jr. in 1955. Conservative news, commentary, and opinion.
The New AmericanSelf-described as, “an essential news source for freedom-loving Americans,”this bi-monthly John
Birch Society publication presents news and commentary from a decidedly right-wing, fundamentalist Christian perspective. Its primary goal is to expose the behind-the-scenes activities shaping American politics and culture.
The Weekly StandardAn American conservative opinion magazine, published 48 times per year. Its founding publisher, News Corporation, debuted the title on September 18, 1995. Originally edited by founder William Kristol and Fred Barnes, the Standard has been described as a "redoubt of neoconservatism" and as "the neo-con bible.
DissentDissent is a left-wing intellectual magazine edited by Michael Kazin and founded in 1954. The magazine is published by the University of Pennsylvania Press on behalf of the Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas.
Full text available from 2001-present.
E MagazineAn independent periodical with articles on a wide range of environmental topics.
ReasonReason is a libertarian monthly print magazine covering politics, culture, and ideas through a provocative mix of news, analysis, commentary, and reviews.
Bloomberg BusinessweekBloomberg Businessweek is an American weekly business magazine published by Bloomberg L.P. Businessweek was founded in 1929, the magazine was created to provide information and interpretation about what was happening in the business world. It is headquartered in New York City.
Congressional DigestEach issue is devoted to the pros and cons of one topic of debate in Congress.
The Economist (British)An easy-to-read, British perspective weekly
news-paper (that looks like a magazine),
The Economis tcontains well-respected and authoritative information on 16 news
categories, including world politics, global business, finance and economics, science and technology, and the arts.
Maclean’s (Canadian)Proclaiming itself, “Canada’s only national weekly current affairs magazine,”Maclean’s
provides investigative reporting on international and social issues,
national politics, business, and culture.
NewsweekProvides the latest news, in-depth analysis and ideas about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics.
TimeAmerican weekly news magazine published in New York City. It was founded in 1923. Provides breaking news and analysis from Politics, world news, photos, video, tech reviews, health, science and entertainment news.Time has the world's largest circulation for a weekly news magazine, and has a readership of 26 million, 20 million of which are based in the United States.
US News and World ReportAn American media company that publishes news, opinion, consumer advice, rankings, and analysis. Founded as a newsweekly ...
An American media company that publishes news, opinion, consumer advice, rankings, and analysis. Founded as a newsweekly magazine in 1933, U.S. News transitioned to primarily web-based publishing in 2010.
Vital Speeches of the DayEach issue contains reprints of 8-10 speeches on vital issues given by leaders of public opinion.
Washington MonthlyArticles cover controversial issues and the Washington political scene. Neoliberal.
America (Catholic)A weekly magazine intended “for thinking Catholics and those who want to know what Catholics are thinking,” covers religious, political, ethical and social issues from the Jesuit Catholic perspective.
Christian CenturyPresents "a voice of responsible liberal religious views, inclusive of Christian as well as non-Christian."
Christianity Today ( Christian)A monthly magazine that provides insight and analysis from a Christian perspective, on relevant news, trends, and events of the day.
Tikkun (Jewish)A bimonthly magazine focused on social theory, religion/spirituality, social change, contemporary American and global politics and economics, ecology, culture, psychology, and Israel/Palestine.
Magazine Databases
The following databases index many of the magazines listed in the box above:
ABI/INFORM GlobalThis link opens in a new windowIn-depth coverage of business and economic conditions.
It covers a wide range of topics such as corporate strategies, management techniques, marketing, product development, and industry conditions worldwide. Includes international coverage, with information on 60,000 + companies with business and executive profiles. In addition, the database contains complete runs of key business and management journals, providing a unique historical perspective from 1923 to the present. Now includes The Wall Street Journal, 1984-present.
Academic Search PremierThis link opens in a new windowSearch for articles and publications across nearly every area of academic study.
Academic Search Premier contains indexing and abstracts for nearly 8,500 journals, over 4,600 in full text. Backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.