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MBA 557 - Accounting Applications for Management

Business news

Finding Newspapers and Periodicals by Subject

For titles in Business Source Premier

1.    Start at the Baker Library home page:
2.     Under the Blue Databases tab, scroll down to: Browse Databases by subject and Select: Business

3.   Select: Business Source Premier
From the top dark blue line, select: Publications

5. n the second search box, labeled Browsing: Business Source Premier – Publications, type: accounting. Then, select the radio button labeled, By Subject & Description.
6.  Browse

You’ll see more than 300 titles that cover the subject, Accounting. You can see from each description whether they are current. The range of dates will show a date “To Present”. If publication has stopped, you’ll see the end date. Also, you’ll want to select the titles that are available in either .PDF or HTML full text.

For titles in ABI/Inform Collection

1.    Follow steps 1-3 from Business Source Premier
2.    Select:
ABI/Inform Collection
3.    From the Advanced Search screen, slide to the top left and select the 3-bar menu.

4.   Slide down the column and, select: Publications

4.   In the Publications Search box, type: accounting.
5.    Change the field to: in Subject
6.    Search
7.    You’ll see 161 accounting titles. Use the same parameters to limit your selections to currency and full text as in the directions for Business Source Premier.

Peer Reviewd Sources

graduation cap

If you need to find an article from a peer reviewed source, search one of the business databases and remember to limit your results to "peer reviewed" or "academic". Here are two titles that will be useful.

Journal of Accountancy
In: ABI/Inform

Journal of Management Accounting Research
In: ABI/Inform

Finding newspapers and periodicals by Title

if you need to consult a specific publication, like the Wall Street Journal, you can find out if we have access to it, in full text, from one of our databases. Either view a three minute video tutorial on our video tutorial page, titled, "Find a Journal"


Follow these instructions:
1. From the library's home page, select the green Journals tab.
2. In the Search by publication box, type the title you need. eg.Wall Street Journal, then Search.

3. In the Results page, select the third entry, Wall Street Journal
4. On the right side of the screen, you'll see a link to the newspaper and to the database that provides access to it. You can either search the entire database, or only the specific publication.

Popular magazines and newspapers

Your assignment for Forum posts requires that you find a news article which discusses accounting, finance, ethics, or something that would be an appropriate discussion topic for this class.

You can find the current issues of a variety of publications, both  newspapers and periodicals, in many of our databases. Here are a few:

Wall Street Journal
In: ABI/Inform Collection

Business Week (Listed as "Bloomberg BusinessWeek)
In: Business Source Premier

The Economist
In: ABI/Inform Collection

Financial Times

In: ABI/Inform Collection (30 days embargo)

Global Edition: The New York Times
In: NexisUni  (listed as: International New York Times)

In: ABI/Inform Collection