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Supply chain and Value chain

Resources to help you undertake an internal analysis of a company’s value chain.


value chain

As part of the strategic planning process, you will most likely have to undertake an internal analysis of a company’s value chain. Terms such as “supply chain”, “supply chain management” and “logistics” will play an important role in your research. This guide will give you some direction to help you wade through the wide assortment of resources available to you.

Look for:
1. Business, news, and trade journal articles
Often include discussions of a company's distribution channels. See the area titled, "Articles" in this guide.

2. Investment Analyst reports may cover distribution channels. See the area titled "Analyst reports" in the Company Information guide.

3. The company's website.
Some mention partners and alliances, which is another way to uncover distribution channels.

Companies' Investor Relation pages can be a good supply chain resource, with details about their top suppliers, their sustainability efforts, etc.  Examples:  Apple, Target, Coca Cola, Tiffany & Co., and H&M.

4. SEC filings, especially 10Ks include agreements listed in Exhibit 10. See "SEC filings" and "Annual Reports" in the Company Information Guide.

U.S. Public companies must disclose their customers' names, when 10% or more of their revenue comes from sales to a single materially important customer.  You'll find these in companies 10-K (Annual) SEC filings