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Private Companies


An important method of of finding out what is happening within a private company is to locate interviews of the CEO or senior management. By peering into their thoughts, you may determine what makes them tick and what determines the way they run the company. You will find out about their attitudes, opinions, and strategic thinking. In addition, they might reveal their revenue, the number of employees in their company, their culture, and their growth rate.

Finding interviews in the databases

Follow the steps in this video to find an interview in Business Source Premier:
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Follow these steps to find an interview in this database:

  • From the home screen, under Nexis Uni, select: Advanced Search

  • Select News,
  • then, type your search (eg. warren buffet and interview* (don't forget the asterisk to find both singular and plural)
  • then, change the field search box to: Headline and Lead Sections

When the Results screen opens, use the navigation column on the left to limit to People, then specify the person you're searching.

  • Continue using the Limit functions in the left column. If you're interested in News shows and transcripts, under Publication Type, highlight News Transcripts.

New Media Sites

You can learn a great deal about any company based on the publicly accessible feedback you glean from professional and employment websites. Based on what people list on their employment histories, you can fill in isolated bits of information such as: salaries, type of employees, job openings (which would lead to knowledge of their projects and priorities), etc. When searching, use as many titles as you need to complete the picture; sales, business development, account manager, etc.