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MBA 562 - Economic Aspects of Business Decisions

Business News Periodicals

Your syllabus calls for at academic sources from business or news periodicals. Collins library provides access to a wide range of business publications. Consult the guide titled, Industry information/News and Trade publications.

In addition, if you need to consult a specific publication, like the Wall Street Journal, you can find out if we have access to it, in full text, from one of our databases. Either view a three minute video tutorial on our video tutorial page, titled, "Find a Journal"


Follow these instructions:
1. From the library's home page, select the green Journals tab.
2. In the Search by publication box, type the title you need. eg.Wall Street Journal, then Search.

3. In the Results page, select the entry, Wall Street Journal
4. On the right side of the screen, you'll see a link to the newspaper and to the database that provides access to it. You can either search the entire database, or only the specific publication.