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International Business - Companies

Resources needed to find companies operating outside of the U.S.

Find a Specific Company

1. At the opening screen, from the thick blue bar at the top of the screen, select: Company Profiles.


1. From the Nexis/Uni home page, slide to the top of the page.
2. Click on the down arrow by Menu. Select: Company Dossier

. The link opens in the Company Dossier screen.
2. Type your company in the Company Name box.
3.  Select it from the list provided.
4.  A complete report will appear.

Worldbox is a specialized resource, containing international company profiles from a variety of countries,
Here are the steps to follow to locate company information in this publication.

1. From the Nexis Uni home page, under "What are you interested in", highlight A Publication.
2. In the "Search for something specific" box, type: Your company; (for example, Telstra Corp.)
3. In the "Find Publication" box, type: Worldbank. You'll be given a list of specific Worldbank publications tied to specific countries. Since Telstra is an Australian company, you'd highlight Worldbox Australia.
