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International Business - Companies

Resources needed to find companies operating outside of the U.S.

World Guides and Directories - Introduction


Most published information about international corporations is on large parent organizations and is arranged by country. So, you must determine whether the company is a parent company or a subsidiary and then find out in which country it is based. The type of information you need- - directory, background, financial, or rankings - - will also dictate your choice of source.

Directories are more than just books. They usually include name, address, principal officers and directors, lines of business and other data, such as annual sales and number of employees.

Links to Guides

International Guides

Unlike the United States, privately held firms in Europe are generally required to file documents and forms with their country of origin. The information these documents reveal - finances, history, executives, related companies, etc. will vary. Certain documents for a given company may be displayed in the native language only.