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Company Information

Resources that will help you uncover how all kinds of companies function, whether they are public, private, or not-for-profit.

How to find competitors

1. Enter the company name in the main search box.
2. Bring up the company profile.
3. Scroll down. Under Competitors, find a list of competitors.

4.. Select the blue tab to compare your company with its major competitors in Employees and Revenue.


1. Select: Company Profiles
2. In the Browse for box, type your company
3. When it comes up, select the MarketLine report.
4. Scroll to the Table of Contents and select: Top Competitors

1. From the Nexis/Uni home page, slide to the top of the page.
2. Click in the drop-down box by Menu. Select: Company Dossier

3. Type your company in the Company Name box, and Search.
4. Select your company from the Results List
5. From the left column, under Company Information, select: Competitors