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Company Information

Resources that will help you uncover how all kinds of companies function, whether they are public, private, or not-for-profit.

Financial statements in the Databases.......

1. Type Your Company in the initial screen.
2. When the Company Profile appears, scroll down the first page to find all the pertinent financial information.

Access Company Dossier

1. From the Nexis/Uni home page, slide to the top of the page.
2. Click on the down arrow by Menu. Select: Company Dossier


  1. In the Company Name box, type: your company
  2. Select your company from the Results List
  3. From the left navigation area, select: Financial Overview
  4. You will find: Assets, Liabilities, Cash Flow, Income Statement, Balance sheets, and Ratio Analyses, all for a three year time period.


Consult the guide on Financial Statements in the Corporate Finance guide to see:

- Finding financial statements in SEC filings

Finding historical financial statements

- How to read financial statements

- Video tutorial on how to read financial statements

Subsidiary Financials

Public companies are not required to provide information about subdivisions, subsidiaries, or business units. Therefore, depending on the company, it might be hit or miss. Here are three methods to consider:

  • Annual reports and 10Ks
    Larger companies or conglomerates provide business segment reporting as part of their annual reports and 10Ks.
  • News articles
    In some cases, divisions or subsidiaries have their own Web sites with further information. Information about their strategies or sales figures can often be found in press releases from the subsidiary itself, and bits and pieces in business, trade, and news articles.

1. Type Your Company in the initial screen.
2. When the Company Profile appears, scroll down the first page to find all the pertinent financial information.
3. Analyst reports can be found under Ratios.