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Corporate Finance

Analysts Reports

Some large companies disclose information to investment analysts.
Investment analyst reports are available from the databases featured below.

Find Analyst Reports in these databases

1. Type Your Company in the initial screen.
2. When the Company Profile appears, scroll down the first page to find Investment Reports under the Ratios box.

1. From the Nexis/Uni home page, slide to the top of the page.
2. Click on the down arrow by Menu. Select: Company Dossier

  1. In the Company Name box, type: your company
  2. Select your company from the Results List
  3. From the left navigation area, under Investment Reports, select: Analysts Reports

Conference calls

A conference call is also known as an "earnings conference call," "analyst call," "earnings call" or "results-earnings call." Investors can listen to the quarterly earnings report that management makes to analysts. Often, you will be able to get a transcript of the call to help determine your analysis of the company's financial earnings and projections.

For more information, see the guide:
Earnings Calls