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Corporate Finance

Finding Mergers & Acquisitions for specific companies

1. From the Nexis/Uni home page, slide to the top of the page.
2. Click on the down arrow by Menu. Select: Company Dossier

  1. In the Company Name box, type: your company
  2. Select your company from the Results List
  3. From the left navigation area, under Company Information, select: Company Activities
  4. Then, select Mergers

Industry Report on M&A

Finding Articles about Merger Information in the Business Databases

Search article databases for information/news on M&A activity. 
Each database provides a link to a Thesaurus.
By looking in the Thesaurus, you can find more specific terms, like:

  • hostile takeovers
  • leveraged buyouts
  • management buyouts
  • reversed mergers
  • tender offers

Finding Merger Information through Company Histories

You can glean lots of information by checking each individual company's history.

See the Subject Guide for Company Information that contains a section on Company Histories.